Thursday, May 19, 2011

Your Shiny BEE Suit: a poem (by: Gcobani Qambela)

(BEE = Black Economic Empowerment).

I am not impressed by your shiny BEE suit

Your shiny BEE suit does not impress me.

Picturesque garments never match obnoxious souls,

Ignorant of the sufferings of many,

Lacking self worth and hiding behind your fake Armani suit

And ‘International’ souvenirs of days gone by

Oblivious to the light shining from the suit,

Clearly painting your inner insecurity conflict…

I am not impressed by your shiny BEE suit

Your shiny BEE suit does not impress me.

It lacks authenticity

And oozes vanity in excess,

It screams your arrogance,

And lack of grace.

You are the master of flamboyance,

And a failed student of benevolence.

And yet you don’t even know why your suit shines.

I am not impressed by your shiny BEE suit

Your shiny BEE suit does not impress me,

Because I know why it shines.

Your suit shines because it drips of blood,

The blood of young martyrs, who fought for the liberation of our nation,

Liberation for the de-enslavement of the oppressed mind.

Your suit shines of forgotten promises made,

It drizzles embezzled wealth and unearned riches.

I am not impressed by your shiny BEE suit

Your shiny BEE suit does not impress me,

Because I know it shines of an insecure and weeping soul,

So out of touch with itself

That it seeks external manifestations for inborn confidence

Hiding your historical duty behind the plastic English accent

Hungry for confirmation from the world

You continue to shine with our forefather’s blood.

Your shiny BEE suit does not impress me,

It’s as meaningful as those fake Italian shoes you adorn with such pride

You have etched a memory of loss on the world

And have sold your soul essence

Spiritually poor, you keep searching the world

Ravenous and hungry for security and love

All you are is a little boy,

Who has forgotten who he is…

So your suit shines for you, but it does not impress me.

I see right through it!

*For you - "Black Diamond"*

(c) Gcobani Qambela (2011)

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